Saturday, August 6, 2011

food shopping/ menu planning/ cooking: preparing and clean up!

Well, this is a huge subject and for years it overwhelmed me.... I did not know how I was ever going to transfer all the tasks associated with eating over to my son Timothy.  He is 29 and I have been working on certain meals that he could prepare all by himself and for year we have talked about the importance of eating a balanced meal with veggies and fiber.... but how to turn him loose and still feel good about him being able to live alone.

So over a year ago we went away for a vacation with the huge purpose of setting up four weeks of full menus for Tim and his friend Kevin. They like mostly the same things but there are differences. Tim wants to live alone without a roommate so meal planning is hard when you are only cooking for one unless, like Tim you are fine with eating leftovers!  :-)

You will see in the other posts a menu and then a shopping list for week #3.  You will also see another skill that is very hard to learn as it is so subjective and that is whether your food is spoiled or still eatable.  You will notice that there is a place for perishable things to write the date so they can learn how to know when to throw somethings away. Also Tim cooks his big meals on Monday and Tuesdays with the hope that he will use them up before the end of the week at which time he should throw out the food.

We have not arrived.... but we are striving..... it was very hard work to get this set up..... but it was and is worth it!   So where are you at on this project? Are you still teaching they must eat their vegetables? Are you starting to teach simple cooking skills like eggs or harder like browning hamburger? Or have you found a better way to accomplish independence for the adult in your life? please share!!!

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