Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lifetime goals to keep me focused

      Goals oh the weight of that word!!!
Teaching my son Tim takes time.... I don't just mean minutes or hours, and not even days or weeks, but often it takes years to accomplish a goal! I think that is why I find myself and many other parents not making goals as they seem so overwhelming. But each task we teach is a mountain that takes us just going one step at a time and the end is worth it! And so adventures come our way as we live and teach and grown toward our goals of living life to the fullest.
                    I want you to know my goals have to stay in the front of my mind always or I would take the easy way out. Or give up! yes, that is right, I often feel like a failure and beat myself up for not doing more for my son. I remember when I was homeschooling all three of my children that I would often end up crying in my husband's arms at night saying, "I didn't have enough time to work with Tim today." Buck would wisely remind me that I would have him for many years after the other two were gone to teach him more. My wonderful husband was right as we are still teaching Tim now at 29 years old! So what are my goals? What long term goals keep me going? These I would like to share with you:
         My main goal is that Tim would enjoy life and be able to make independent decisions for himself. My second main goal is that his brother and sister would love him and be willing to oversee his life when God takes me to heaven. So I am always thinking about what Tim needs to learn to make it easier on Dave and Sarah. I don’t want my son to be a burden to anyone. As I write that word, tears fill my eyes as the pain of Tim being born with a disability remains even after over 29 years. Don’t get me wrong, I love my son and he has enriched my life. But when he asks “Why did God make me with DS?” my heart aches. When he states mater of factly that his goal is to marry a girl who does not have DS and can drive a car… again my heart wants to break. I often go and cry out to God and let the tears flow when Tim can’t see me and then I put on my strong resolve again to be his advocate and strong supporter and the adventures goes on. 
       So right now I am re evaluating my goals as many have been reached or are at least at a good point. Let me share some big ones then I will later talk about them in other posts. 
       Tim needs to be able to ride public transportation or walk or take dial a ride or a taxi so he is able to get around. 
        Tim needs to be able to prepare all his own meals. I want them to be healthy as well as well rounded and things that he enjoys. This includes having weekly menus to last a month with shopping lists to help him not forget things as well as teaching him to not eat but throw away spoiled or expired foods.... wow, the list goes on!
       Tim needs to be able to clean his own apartment and do his own laundry. He needs to be able to cut grass without any prompts in case he lives somewhere he needs to do this. He needs to be able to use the phone. He needs to be able to keep track of his own schedule and be at places on time.
      Tim needs ..........  yes, the list seems oh so often overwhelming so I must pick one some one to work on at a time and make it an adventure!
   What are YOU working on now? What should, could, will we each tackle for the love of our child/relative/friend?

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